DiscoverX22 ReportTwo [FF] Used To Build Narrative For Upcoming [FF],Trump Sends Message,We Hear & See All – Ep. 3539
Two [FF] Used To Build Narrative For Upcoming [FF],Trump Sends Message,We Hear & See All – Ep. 3539

Two [FF] Used To Build Narrative For Upcoming [FF],Trump Sends Message,We Hear & See All – Ep. 3539

Update: 2025-01-051


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Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe green new scam that the [CB][WEF] have been pushing just fell apart. They want to make the world green by cutting down the green. People are leaving CA, Uhaul reports that there is no growth in CA. Prepare for the new economy because people see how the old economy doesn't work. The [DS] pushed two [FF] on the American people. They are now setting up the narrative to have the people and veterans out on the street rioting when they try to stop Trump. They want the people to get angry and push back. The next [FF] will not work, there will be no civil war. Trump sends a message on Jan 19, FISA is not the only game in town, Military Intelligence, we hear and see all.

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‘Not Incredibly Popular’: Blue State Primed To Clear Cut Hundreds Of Acres Of Forest To Make Way For Solar Panels

Michigan is poised to cut down hundreds of acres of forest in order to make space for a solar panel development, MLive reported Thursday.
The state will soon start competitive bidding on approximately 420 acres of forested land near Gaylord, Michigan, to clear space for a solar farm while generating revenue and advancing the state’s long-term green energy targets,

Notably, one study published by Harvard researchers found that clearing forests to replace with solar panel developments may actually lead to an overall increase in greenhouse gas emissions, and a paper published by Chinese researchers also reached similar conclusions. There are also oil and gas wellheads in other areas of the woods that remain forested, according to MLive.
“This is pretty amazing. Michigan is not like California, it’s not like the sun is always shining there,” Dan Kish, a senior research fellow at the Institute for Energy Research, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “This is the theater of the absurd, and it’s all driven by tax credits and giveaways from the federal and state government, and by mandates that the governor there has implemented.”


The Stunning Statistical Fraud Behind The Global Warming Scare

Global Warming: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration may have a boring name, but it has a very important job: It measures U.S. temperatures. Unfortunately, it seems to be a captive of the global warming religion. Its data are fraudulent

What do we mean by fraudulent? How about this: NOAA has made repeated "adjustments" to its data, for the presumed scientific reason of making the data sets more accurate.
Nothing wrong with that. Except, all their changes point to one thing — lowering previously measured temperatures to show cooler weather in the past, and raising more recent temperatures to show warming in the recent present.
This creates a data illusion of ever-rising temperatures to match the increase in CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere since the mid-1800s, which global warming advocates say is a cause-and-effect relationship. The more CO2, the more warming.
But the actual measured temperature record shows something different: There have been hot years and hot decades since the turn of the last century, and colder years and colder decades. But the overall measured temperature shows no clear trend over the last century, at least not one that suggests runaway warming.
That is, until the NOAA's statisticians "adjust" the data. Using complex statistical models, they change the data to reflect not reality, but their underlying theories of global warming. That's clear from a simple fact of statistics: Data generate random errors,
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Two [FF] Used To Build Narrative For Upcoming [FF],Trump Sends Message,We Hear & See All – Ep. 3539

Two [FF] Used To Build Narrative For Upcoming [FF],Trump Sends Message,We Hear & See All – Ep. 3539

X22 Report